Saturday, June 16, 2007

The week in review. .

I can't believe I haven't found a moment to post anything this week. . it's been a busy one. We had VBS this week, and all of us were involved Wed-Sat. Madison really enjoyed GAME DAY, and she got to take cheerleading the last hour of VBS each day. They're doing their cheer in church tomorrow, so that should be super-cute! I'll try to take some pictures. Jackson had a good time, mostly. It was a little bit hard for him to see Stephen and me at random times but have to stay with his class. I was really proud of him because for the first time, starting Wed., I sent him to church in his big-boy underwear! Wow! He did really well. He did have an accident Fri. morning, but hey, it's really OK! We're now wearing underwear all the time except for naps and at night! Hallelujah! Hope did great, of course. She's been smiling and cooing a lot this week, and it's just so fun to get her excited and talking.

In other news, I'm pretty sure I broke my toe today. . seriously. It's the 2nd toe on my right foot, and if it's not truly broken it is definitely cracked. A friend of ours who is an EMT looked at it and concurred. I decided not to go get an X-Ray because everyone says that all they'd do is tape it up. .. .which is what Phil did. It hurts SOOOOOOOOO bad. When I'm off of it, I can handle it.. but being up on it just hurts like CRAZY!!! Poor me!

Okay, well, that's about it. . .bless you at church tomorrow!


Richardsons of HV said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your toe! Mommies don't have that luxury to be sick! Hang in there, sister!
Glad y'all had fun at VBS!! I wish I would have known it was this week...we would have tried to come!

cindy gatewood said...

Hi Star and Stephen-
I love reading the blog and
catching up with the family..
we miss you all!
Love, Cindy Gatewood