Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Big Update

I'm feeling a bit regretful about my lack of blog updates lately! I'm going to follow my friend Amber's example and give you a quick list of thing going on. . .

1. I'm blogging from camp! We're at Camp Windermere in Roach, MO with The Smith Band! We love working with our band guys and with Student Life. . . so we're having a blast! We head home today (Wednesday). . from MO to Dallas to Houston

2. We had a great couple of days in Houston (Wed.- Fri.) before heading to MO. It was so great to be home for a few days--we packed in lots of good times. . . sitting on the back porch in the evening drinking coffee and watching the kids swim (in the inflatable pool). . . going to Gringos and having birthday cupcakes (Jackson now thinks he's 3 because he got a present from Mel and Nathan and we sang "Happy Birthday"). . . lunch at the Tea Room and getting to see Tara.

3. Last Friday night, Hope and I flew out to Tulsa with Aric (he's our awesome bass player). Hope just has to be the world's best baby! All of our kids have been amazing travelers, but she is just incredible! She made not a peep through 7 hours of traveling from Friendswood to Tulsa.

4. Jackson is officially POTTY TRAINED! I am thrilled (to say the least). He hasn't even had an accident in about 2 weeks!!! He even goes by himself, and you'll just hear the potty flush and he'll come out. . I have to say he looks so big and so cute in his Thomas the Train or Cars or Diego underwear! :)

5. Madison and Jackson are being spoiled beyond belief with my parents (pool, shopping, Kemah) and with Marsh (Moody Gardens--swimming, room service, etc.). I am so happy that they are so happy!

I'm going to add some new pics ASAP!


amberburger said...

ahhh! you are in my state! i am so glad you are there. tell good ol windemere encampment amber gaddis says hello!! hehe! So many memories. I love the update. we miss yall so much! cant wait till Sunday!

Richardsons of HV said...

i was wondering where y'all were! see you when you get home! glad y'all are having a great time!