Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Sand Box of all Sand Boxes

Something wonderful happened yesterday. .. Paw Paw (Stephen's dad) came to town.. . . and he came with projects in mind. He and Stephen have accomplished more in the last 36 hours around our house than we have done in months! They started with the most important project on their to-do list. . . the sand box. For months now, Jackson spends much time in the backyard pushing his cars, trucks, and dump trucks around in his "construction site". Well, now he can play in style! And I might just join him more often! As you can see in the picture, this sand box is quite large and has a nice ledge around the perimeter for sitting and playing on. The kids had a blast helping build the sand box, and tonight we enjoyed the fruits of their labor. We sat outside and ate ice cream (Blue Bell peaches and cream for the adults--delicious!) and Popsicles for the kids (including Madison's friend). The kids played and played until it got dark. A pretty wonderful summer evening, if you ask me. Tune in tomorrow night to see what they do with their Friday!

Hope was worn out from her day!

Jackson playing in the front yard (last Saturday). This is
the awesome tree swing that Stephen put up for the kids.

Madison flying through the trees on the swing!


Richardsons of HV said...

My kids love SAND! Can't wait to come over and play!!!

Amanda said...

I heard about the amazing Smith Sandbox at church tonight and I had to see it for myself. It's awesome! I love that pic of Jackson on the swing. And I love your new look!

Tina Braswell said...

What FUN! I love the picture of Hope sacked out. What a cutie!