Saturday, June 30, 2007

Jackson is 3 today!

I can't believe my little boy is three years old. He is so "big". I can remember so clearly the day that he was born. .my little dark-haired boy. We had those fearful first few moments when they decided he wasn't breathing well enough, and the nurses took him to the nursery right away. . we didn't get to hold him for several hours. . but when they finally brought him to us it was amazing. How can you love someone so much in just a few moments? And how amazing is it that we share a birthday? He was such a wonderful little baby. Now that he's three, I thought I'd make a list of words that come to mind to describe my Jack-Jack.

articulate (even without the "r's")
funny (He's into made-up "knock-knock" jokes.)
loyal (He loves his "sissy" and "my baby".)
playful (It's true that play is the work of a child--he's always playing!)
repetitive (He tells EVERYONE, "I have a train table.")
dramatic (He can turn it on--and off.)
loves books (He reads stacks of books every nap time and bed time, but he told me tonight that "these were too hard for him to read--he doesn't know these words"
tan (lots of swimming in Houston!)
sweet (He recently told baby Hope that "when she grows up she can be a fire fighter, or a police officer, or a trash truck driver" in the most gentle voice--like he was bestowing on her a great honor.)
adorable (His smile gets me every time!)

Jackson's first trip to Friendswood.
Little blue-eyed one after a bath. It think he's about 4-5 months old.
This was on a trip to the park at about 8-9 months old.
We're at the Houston zoo. He's 9 months old. Too cute!

May 2006 in the bluebonnets.
At his 2 year old party!


Janelle and Ella said...

I love this post. It's so sweet it gave me goosebumps. And those pictures could not be more adorable! I love the 4 1/2 month picture.
You guys have a great party tonight. I am SO SAD that Heath, Ella and I will not be able to be there. We are in Waco this evening. But we are thinking about you guys. Tell Titus and Jackson I said Happy Birthday!

Tina Braswell said...

I love it! Very sweet. Happy birthday Jackson AND Star!! Love ya'll!

Amanda said...

I cannot even handle how cute those pictures are. We had so much fun at his party! He's such a sweet boy!