Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tag Day

OK, I've been tagged TWICE at once, and this is exciting because it's my first time to be tagged at all! One is reflective and spiritual, one is just for fun. So, here goes. . .


1. I have flat feet. I had to wear inserts in my shoes until I was a grown-up and wanted to wear cuter shoes all the time! :)

2. I love to cook (most of the time). I'm constantly reading recipes. When I get a new magazine, I usually go the FOOD section first.

3. I'm not scared of bugs or snakes or spiders or frogs.

4. When I was about 22 I wanted a belly button ring, but my husband talked me out of it and bought me a magnet one instead that I never wore--not once. I have NOT wanted one since. It was a silly in-the-moment idea that I am SO glad I didn't go through with.

5. I love to shop at Target. If I could only have one store to do all my shopping out of, that would be it.

6. I love to read. I always have a book going. I particularly like historical fiction for relaxing with. . I'm currently RE-reading the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers. It's set in Rome and VERY exciting. I also love reading to my children. Madison and I are flying through the chapter books now, too.

7. I can play the piano. I took lessons from 1st or 2nd grade all the way through a senior in high school. I'd like to start taking lessons again one day

And on a COMPLETELY different note. . .


1. He is faithful. He's been so faithful to me. He's always there. I never have to wonder if He'll love me, forgive me, guide me, provide for me. . .I also love how He is faithful to the ones I love. He'll always take care of them, too. Whenever I rehearse His past faithfulness, my faith for today increases.

2. He is GOOD. 100% good. He wants what is best for me. He is utterly incapable of making a mistake. He sees the end from the beginning.

3. He give me wisdom. I love His promise to give wisdom when we ask! I need so much!

4. He teaches ME from His Word. I love studying and learning His Word. I praise Him for this desire to sit with the Word and that He would meet me there is amazing.

5. He wakes me up in the morning. I never thought I would want to get up, but He wakes me up early and "the same power that rose Christ Jesus from the dead" works in me. . and I get up! Incredible! Such a gift.


Janelle and Ella said...

I didn't know any of those things about you! I'm very impressed that you aren't scared of all of those things.
And I love The Mark of the Lion series too. They are my 2nd, 3rd and 4th favorite books of all time. 1st is Redeeming Love.

Johnny! said...

Belly button rings are creepy.

Lori, Landon and Logan said...

I loved your post!
Amber said that we might have a little playgroup tomorrow. Email me your .

cindy gatewood said...

Star--that is funny about the
belly button ring....definitely
lived through that with MY

Love ya'll
Cindy G.