Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Happy Anniversary to us and Hello White House (among other various happenings)

Isn't it funny, you fellow-bloggers, how some days you don't think you have anything interesting to write about and other days you have more tidbits to talk about than you have time to type about! Well, today is such a day for me. ..

First, yesterday was our 13th anniversary. I am so thankful beyond words for Stephen and who he is. It's just unbelievable to think back over our 13 years and how much we've changed! If there's any one word to sum up our marriage journey so far--it might just be change--which is usually a good thing! We were both so very young when we got married (I was 19 and Stephen was 20) that we both had a lot of dramatic maturing and changing to do! We've also changed together, as one. I'm especially grateful for this aspect of change. We've learned to listen, to give care, to be patient, to endure, to encourage, to work things out, to speak each other's "love language" just a bit more fluently. We've experienced a lot of life change together, too. One of the most wonderful things about our marriage so far has been the absolute privilege of getting to sing together and lead worship together in so many different settings--both small and large. What an incredible thing that God would let us do this music thing at all, and to do it together is amazing. Three more life changes: Madison, Jackson, and Hope. It's beautiful to have a like-minded husband to share this role of parent with. Stephen loves our children, and I love him as he loves our children. It brings my heart great comfort and peace as I look to the years ahead (God-willing) when I realize how much change we have survived and even thrived through. God is good!

Second piece of news--Hope is just about rolling over! She can get on her tummy, but she doesn't get both arms parallel to the ground--she's kind of half-rolled over--kind of stuck! She's so cute! Here's a picture from yesterday--though she didn't roll over again once I got the cameral out (notice the huge mosquito bite ON HER LITTLE CHEEK! Yikes! It's already a lot better today, in case you're worried!). . .

She's such a happy girl!

And she's just so sweet!

Third--my friend Jamie is in Dallas and unexpectedly has a couple of hours, so she's coming over tonight! I'm so excited!

Fourth--and just maybe the most unbelievable--Stephen was at the WHITE HOUSE TODAY!!! He's on a trip with Gregg Matte (our good friend from Breakaway days at A&M and also at Houston's First Baptist Church--he happens to be the pastor :) ). Gregg knew somebody from A&M whose husband is the Military Security Director. This couple picked up Stephen and Gregg at the airport this morning and took them to the White House! They had lunch in the Executive Dining Hall in the basement of the West Wing. It had impeccable service and food, and just about everything had the executive seal on it, including the butter! They had some White House specialty called Freedom something for dessert which was chocolaty goodness. They were standing right outside of the Situation Room when Mr. Gates and Condelissa (I don't know how to spell her name!) Rice walked into it! Gregg said "giggem aggies" and Mr. Gates (who is the former A&M pres.) turned and shook his hand. Ms. Rice was so close to Stephen that she just about "brushed his shoulder" as she walked past!! Now, they are at the hotel (which is without power due to bad weather) and are going to rest a bit. They have all kinds of awesome things on their itinerary in the next week, so I'll let you know! :)

Fifth--I just have to say that Curtis Jones preached an absolutely amazing sermon on Sunday, and it will eventually be up on the pod cast of our church's website at http://fbcirving.org/. We were blessed to be reminded that God's definition of success doesn't necessarily equal our Americanized idea of happiness. Thank you, Curtis.

Sixth--this picture just might sum up my life with 3 kids--I never really know what might happen and Jackson is bound to make me laugh. Yes, he's naked. He's between going potty (Hallelujah for the "potty train" as he calls it) and playing in the sprinkler.

Have a blessed day, friend. I pray that you are successful--pleasing to the Lord--in all you do today!


Kelli said...

Happy Anniversary! I just randomly found your blog... and I couldn't believe that it was you! :) I was in KSM about 11 or so years ago! Your children are absolutely beautiful. So glad that everything is going well in your life.

Thank you for being such a wonderful inspiration in my life all those years ago! I'll be popping in on your blog! :)

Janelle and Ella said...

So much to comment on...
First, I am so incredibly jealous that Stephen was within inches of Ms. Condoleezza Rice! She is an incredible woman.
Hope's smile in those pictures is out of control adorable!
And the last picture of you, Hope and Jackson is so sweet.

Lori, Landon and Logan said...

You have hands down, the most exciting blog! I am so excited for Stephen! Congratulations on your 13th anniversary!

Anonymous said...

I must say the pictures of the kids are all kinds of cute! and I think that Hope and Jackson have the same BIG BRIGHT smile!!!!!

Changed by His Love said...

Congratulations on 13 years! Your family is beautiful. Hope's eyes look like yours in the picture of you, Hope and Jackson. So pretty!
Wow! That's awesome about the White House...love the fact about the butter - how presidential!
Have a great week!

Mel said...

I can't wait to see Hope roll over this weekend!