Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Holding On and Letting Go

It's been coming at me all day that mothering is about holding on and letting go. One of the first things Jackson said to me this morning was the precious thing that my friends who are mothers-of-boys told me he would most likely say at some point... "Mommy, I love you. I wish I could marry you. If I was a dad, I'd marry you." Oh-my-goodness!!! If that doesn't melt your heart! And my little baby Hope--I just want to hold onto her being little--but do I really? Yes! And no. And my Maddie girl, I dropped her off at the church at 9:00 am and didn't pick her up until 5:00 pm, and she was at a water park all day long without me! I just can't believe that she's old enough to do that! But I'm so proud of her. . she's responsible and trust-worthy and ready to. . be let go a little bit. . just a little bit. Tonight we snuggled in bed and read "James and the Giant Peach" (we're excited about finishing the story tomorrow), and I wanted to just hold on. In my mind I picture this funnel, gradually widening that corresponds to my children's growth.. . their worlds gradually expand along with thier ability and readiness to go out into the world. Does it have to be an either/or kind of job, this thing called being a mother? Do we hold on OR let go? I don't think so. . at least in my 7 years as a mom, I think I've learned that my little ones need me to hold on AND to let go. . at the right time. . .not too soon and not too late. Thank you, Jesus, for 3 precious little ones to hold onto. Give me your wisdom to gently let go bit by bit. . while holding on.


C:M:W said...

Star that was such a beautiful post, I seriously almost started crying... You are such a ROCKSTAR mom!!!!!

Janelle and Ella said...

This post definitely made me cry! It is precious and something every mother must be going through emotional. I know I already struggle with the future and wondering that same thing with Ella and she's only 17 months! I keep thinking I am going to need my mommy support group more when they are teenagers than when they were newborns.

Tina Braswell said...

Well I did start crying! Thanks for sharing such sweet wisdom. Love you!!

jenni said...

Hi Star! I had no idea you wrote such a great blog - Johnny just told me. I'll be reading.
