Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Tuesday report

Well. Here I am. Hallelujah for an 8 o'clock bedtime at the Smith house! We've had 2 nights in a row of supper at home, baths, books, and on-time to bed. Awesome.

We are counting down to Madison's birthday which is Thursday. Speaking of Madison, she is recovering from HANNAH MONTANA which she went to on Sunday night with my parents. Can you believe it? My dad managed to get 3 tickets, so he and my mom took Maddie. Crazy! They had a blast!!!

My sweet Hope is changing everyday. Her birthday is coming up too, on March 27. I can't believe my baby is almost one! She can say "dada"--her most favorite word which she says over and over and over, "mama"--which she occasionally says!, "bye", "hi", "baba"--bottle, and "bubba"--for Jackson. She's also signing "more", "finished", "please", AND she can wave and play patty cake .. . AND she's just so darn cute! 

Jackson is as much a nut as always. He keeps me hopping. He's happy if he can play with cars and more cars. I love that kid!

OK. That's the update. School's good. Church is good. Life is good.
God is good.
Good night.


Melissa said...

Star - how awesome it is friend to see that ya'll are all settled in your new digs! I am so happy for ya'll, but must say, (emphatically) we already miss ya'll here in Irving! And I must say, I am AMAZED that Hope is already one!!! Wow! Time flies. Ya'll remain in my prayers!

Janelle and Ella said...

Wow! I can't believe Madison is almost one. I feel like it was just a couple months ago that we were at Las Colinas visiting you guys.