Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Save the DRAMA for your MAMA

Oh, my goodness! My sweet Madison had a melt-down tonight. . of the "girly" sort. . I AM extremely sympathetic (as I am not immune to inexplicable melt-downs from time to time), but I AM still perplexed on how to handle it! Distract her? Talk it through? Firmly shut her down? Let her cry it out--alone? Try to cuddle and coddle her through it--despite her resistance to this? 

Tonight the initial issue was wanting to stay at church longer and not head home a little early (as my mommy instinct clearly knew we needed to do--and as was proved by the melt-down itself!).  But it quickly turned into "I never let her go her own way. I need to let her make more decisions. I don't listen to her. I don't understand her, etc.".  When we got home, and we continued our "conversation", it progressed to "She's 8 now. She needs adventure. She needs to explore the world. By herself." When I asked her how she would like to travel, she said that "she would travel on foot".

On and on it went. I wish I could have made notes as we talked so that I could remember all she said! Bless her heart. I finally decided our "conversation" was not very productive, and it was time to put her in bed. . . and she happily prayed with me and for me and said goodnight.

What??? After all that??? I am needing some major wisdom!! This is not the first time this has happened and I have a funny feeling it's not the last! :)

Anyone with words of advice or suggestions of books or strategies or scripture. . feel free to send it my way!

What a girl! Oh, the adventures of mommy-hood!


Janelle and Ella said...

Oh Star. I'm glad you are going through this before me. :-) I am interested in the wisdom you will get. I'll need to remember it for when my time comes.

Amanda said...

I have no wisdom but I did get really tickled about "traveling on foot."

Becky Kiser said...

Since I am not a mom, I have no clue what to tell you.

But here is some encouragement: Praise God that she wanted to stay. Being that she is here Mon - Fri for school, Sundays for church and Wednesday nights too... a miracle that she wanted to stay. I remember a few blogs ago you mentioning your concerns for her to adjust. It's only been a few weeks adn she loves it.

I can't imagine that there is any right way to handle it. Every child is different. YOu are a great mom for caring and wanting to see what is best for her. :)

Dale Braswell said...

Star! I sure wish I could help you. I'll be the one calling you in a few years. As much of a drama queen as Hannah already is, my days are coming! You are such a great mom, so I know God will give you the wisdom you are seeking and you will handle it perfectly! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Wow, having a son who is almost 17 years old (can you believe that?) - wehave had plenty of those moments. And, sadly, it's not just the girls who experience melt downs - especially during the teen years.

I have learned that more often than not - they seem to work through these moments much quicker than WE do! There are even times that they don't even recall being upset or at odds with us - go figure that one out?

My advice - is pick your battles. (Like this is anything new, right)? What I have learned is if I bring the situation up and there is very little recollection or drama trying to discuss it again - I normally just chalk it up to a very tired child - and move forward. Believe me, God will give you plenty of teachable moments in the coming years! :)

So glad you are back in Houston - even though I have not seen YOU yet...I get to see Stephen several times a week! Ha!

cindy gatewood said...

Ohhh a mother of
two girls, you have lots to
look forward to! I think you
are handling things just fine..
Maddison is such a sweetie
and you are a great MOM!
Love, Cindy

Neve said...

Okay, the drama is probably over or on a continuation until 35.
I don't have any words of wisdom. I believe God will just give it to you since you know your child better than anyone.
James Dobson did a show March 31st, April 1st & 2nd called "Preparing for Adolescence" I believe he has a lot of wisdom. You can listen to it online if you would like. I will be praying for God wisdom for you and Maddison.