Monday, February 4, 2008

We saw the Hannah Montana Movie. .

and it was an experience! We had a crew of  10 with Madison, Jackson, Hope, and me; Jennifer, Hannah, and Caleb; Michelle, Logan, and Maison.  The show was in 3-D and really cool.  That Miley girl is something else. Jen and I agreed that we'll happily believe the Disney magic that she is as wholesome and sweet as she is cute and talented--at 14 years old!

So. . we get there, get everybody situated.  Jackson was kind of bored and wouldn't stay in his seat.  Hope was a wiggle-monster, and she literally wiggled on me the whole time.  We had baby food everywhere, cheerios all over the floor, and it was a complete mess.  Jackson broke his 3-D glasses, and I tried to juggle wearing his broken glasses while keeping Hope from ripping out my earring and disturbing everyone with crying! Yikes! At the end of the show, though, we were glad we went.  The kids loved it, and we made a memory!


The Powell Family said...

Hey Star!

Matt and I are really excited for you guys! A piece of us will always be at HFBC-what a great family. I hope it's ok-I am linking you to I'll just pretend you live out here! Congrats on the new little one-we have a third on the way and I am glad to hear you're surviving!

Lori Powell

Jen Crane said...

that story kind of reminded me of when we took maddie and makenna to see monster's inc. - if only we could have appreciated the ease of having only one little body to look after :) i took the girls to see the "hannah" movie and it was great :) we are such cool moms :)