Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Mother's Thoughts Today

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

Psalm 147:1-2

This morning as I read this Psalm, I immediately thought of my children. Oh, that God would grace them with such a deep, fervent love for Him that nothing else compares. . .that they may live for Him all their lives--with all their lives. My prayer is for number of days and substance of days. . that they would not trust in princes and mere mortal man (verse 3-5), but would put all thier hope in Him alone!

My second thought was of my sweet grandmother. I love Grandmama so much, and she is a beautiful, living illustration of loving Jesus for all you days. What a legacy she is leaving for my mom, my sister, my daughters and me to follow. Her courage and determination in coming to the "Meet-Hope-Party" on Saturday in Houston was truly a blessing to me. I'm so very grateful that she set her heart and mind on coming. . .and she made it happen. I know she's paid the price with an extra-sore body, but I'm so glad she was there.

On Sunday, my dad got out the video camera for us to record words of thanks to our mom. That was an easy assignment! I told my mom, and it's always true--she is the most wonderful example of being a Godly woman--she loves Jesus, her husband, her family, her church, her friends--all in the right priority order. She generously and gracefully serves all those around her. She is wise in all things. I honestly think through many situation with the WWMD test--What would mama do? By the way, I thought it note-worthy that MELODY was the one crying--not me!!! SHE has the pregancy hormones to deal with--not me! :)

I have a renewed sense of mothering being the most important "career" (to use my dad's word). These children are my life's work, and it's my joy to pour into them. . .to labor in prayer for them. . . to read with them and play with them. . to care for their daily needs. . and on and on.

Thank you, Father, for this amazing journey of motherhood. You have been so good to give me living examples that I am glad to follow! Thank you for the three children you have blessed me with. I put my hope in YOU, Lord! I need YOU to give me a fervent passion for YOURSELF. . that I may lead the way for my little ones to follow in loving you all my days.
Grandmama and Hope chillin' at the party.
The beautiful table that my mom and Melody prepared. Yummy!
Madison and Jackson with friends Makenna and Delaney Crane (and Fudge). We were so happy to see the Cranes!!!
Hope with sweet friends Jan Hart and Anita Clark. It was wonderful to see these moms and Tara and Cathy. Also. . Jamie and Carol!!
Nathan and Melody!! (note the bump on Mel :))

1 comment:

Tina Braswell said...

Well said! Wish I could have been there, but I love seeing the pictures! :)