Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I KNOW that God put it in our heart to just need friends--true friends. These last 10 months (yes, it really has been 10 months) in Irving have been interesting for me in this regard--I HAVE lots of friends--it's just that most of those in the life-long good friend category are not very close by proximity-wise. I have tried not to complain (too much) because I am not alone (though lonely sometimes). Anyway, Stephen's grandmother, Lee La, admonished me 3 weeks ago to pray that God would give me a friend because that's what she had done, and God had faithfully brought her a friend. So. . . I have prayed for a friend. . .and God has answered by showing me the friends that I DO already have and deepening those friendships. Examples: Jennifer Durham--who has CERTAINLY been my sweet friend--came over last week to eat lunch and hang out. That meant so much to me! I miss Tara and my other Houston lunch buddies. Also, my friend Sheri--who has been so kind to me (though we haven't done anything together since last fall)--emailed me to go to lunch before school is out--and we're going on Monday! AND, today as I read Tina's blog, I felt so connected to her--like I can relate!! AND, I'm going to Houston on Friday and will get to see some PRECIOUS FRIENDS!!! AND--last but certainly not least--my friend Amber Burger came over yesterday with her son Titus (who is Jackson's age). God so clearly showed me that Amber is my friend. He has brought her into my life with great purpose!!! She loves the Lord so much, and her heart for the nations (especially The Sudan) challenges me immensely--and I'm so grateful!!!

Here's a picture of Jackson and Titus after their play date. They had a ball in the play room and outside in the dirt pile!!

So, my heart is filled with thanksgiving today for the friends God has brought into my life--the life-long kind and the new kind--who I have a feeling might just turn out to be the life-long kind, too! I love you, sweet friends!


amberburger said...

star. you are too sweet. you are precious to me and i am so thankful for our friendship! I love the pic of the boys...they are so fun! Cant wait to hang out again! have fun in Houston and Happy Mothers Day!

Tina Braswell said...

Star - how I resonate with your comments. We DO need those deep friendships, but it's hard when you make a move. I'm so thankful for you!! I will be praying for more meaningful friend moments for you where you are. I am also so grateful we can connect through our blogs! Love you!! - Tina

Janelle and Ella said...

I bet that was one fun day with Jackson and Titus!! Two of the cutest boys ever! Love your blog and we use the same background! Okay, the name of the bow/other stuff store (but really it's all about the bows) is Kid to Kid. Here's the website and great news, they just opened one in Irving!! Hope you love it!