Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sea World

We went to Sea World for the weekend and had a great time. It was the perfect way to finish off the summer. . next week is our last week before school starts!

Here are some pictures of the kids:
on the Shamu roller coaster

right after the roller coaster ride--super excited

sweet Maddie helping Hope get her life jacket on for the lazy river

our baby girl

our silly boy

Stephen and the kids

another roller coaster shot


cindy gatewood said...

Precious family!

Its just me...ASHLEY! :) said...

such a sweet family! i miss yall so much! Hope and Jackson have grown so much! lol

Jennifer said...

Too cute.

Smith Family said...

Hey Star! We miss rockin out with you guys on Sundays, but you all look like you are doing great and enjoying life. Campbell sure does miss lil' ol' Jackson! Campbell loves roller coaster too and asked me to ask Jackson if he wants to ride with him.... you know how that goes? He just thinks I can snap my fingers and make an amusement park appear with Jackson right there to greet him. LOL! Well, hope all is well with the Smith Clan!
~The Other Smith's