Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Picture Day!

Jackson swimming at Papa Joe and MaMaMa's house in Friendswood

Madison floating and having fun. .

We're at the circus!

Maddie and me. .

The white tigers doing their tricks. .

The dancing elephants.. .

SEVEN motorcycle guys in ONE giant cage. .

Madison, Jackson, and Hope with their cousins, Morgan and Luke (We went to Maw Maw's on Sunday afternoon)

The brothers (Will and Stephen) holding the babies (Luke and Hope)
Morgan holding Hope

On the slip-and-slide at Splash Day (look at that handsome boy!)

Sweet baby Hope at Splash Day

Hope again. .

About to go down the water slide

On the water slide. .again. .
That's the last few days in pictures. . Thank you, God, for our family!


Janelle and Ella said...

These pictures are great!! Splash Day was so much fun today.

Tina Braswell said...

What GREAT pictures!! I can't wait to take our kids to the circus one day. What fun! Okay, you've been tagged. Read the "Blog Tag" post on my blog and you'll know what to do. :)