Friday, January 25, 2008

Simple pleasures

. . . .chai in the afternoon

. . . .seat warmers in the car
. . . .a warm, cozy house on a cold, gray day
. . . .a new hair cut and hair color
. . . .baby kisses (her whole face lit up when she saw me through the window at the end of her "school" day)
. . . .a deal from Anthropologie (new skirt!:)
. . . . a Jackson-ism (I told you, didn't I, that he's the "root beer" in the wedding this weekend?)
. . . .children who get along (watching cartoons together, currently)
. . . .Sara Groves' latest CD (LOVE it!)
. . . .my iphone (how DID I love without it?)
. . . .my adorable husband (He so lovingly was concerned for my safety this morning--"Be careful of ice on the bridges in the little car".  That is so sweet!)
. . . a new magazine in the mail (Cottage Living, anyone?)

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.  James 1:17

1 comment:

Kelli said...

It is the simple pleasures in life that can make us smile! :)