Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Questions Jackson has asked today (that I can remember) by 1:45 pm

Can I wake up Maddie?
Can you take me potty?
Can you wipe my bottom?
Can you get me some milk?
Can you turn on cartoons for me?
Can you get me some breakfast?
Why aren't we going to church?
What is her dog's name? (A random lady we passed.)
Why is she outside?
Why are we lost? (We weren't--he just knows our usual routes.)
Why is that big rig naked? (It had no trailor attached.)
Can we shout out "naked bug" everytime we see a big rig or bus? (Yes, we can. And did.)
Why is that man riding that wheel chair? (A large man at the grocery store on a motorized buggie.)
Is that lady big? (The one we just squeezed past near the Target restroom.)
Why are those birds up there?
Why are those ladies in their wheel chairs sitting under the trees? (Waiting for the bus, maybe?)
Can you take me potty?
Can you get me some more milk?
Can you play with me?
Can you fix my car?
When will Maddie get home?
Can you read me my Bible?
Can you read me the part when Jesus died?
Why did Jesus die?
Can you take me potty?
Can you turn the light on in there?
Can you get me some more milk?
Do you remember when I was a baby? (Yes.)
Can we play when I wake up?
Where does Titus live?
Can we move by Titus' house?
Why is she (Hope) crying? (Waiting for her bottle.)
Can I play with my trucks?
When will Maddie get home?
Can you take me potty?

And on it goes. . .life with a precious 3 year old boy! I love my Jackson-boy!


Janelle and Ella said...

Wow! I'm exhausted just from reading this!
I was laughing at some of the questions and ahhhing at how sweet some of them were.

Unknown said...

oh my ...thats a lot of "whys!"
but way too precious!!

Jansen said...

jackson sounds fun...miss y'all