Wednesday, April 25, 2007

April Update

Wow! So much has happened. . and not happened since my last post. Isn't it weird when you've been busy all day long, but you just can't think of anything news-worthy that you did? My friend Kristin Hill was perfectly timed in reminding me that being in your pajamas at noon and playing with a baby on the floor is a perfect season of life to remember that our perfect Father wants me to perfectly rely on Him!!! My world seems rather small and close-knit right now--though filled with the most important people in the world to me. I am (mostly) loving it--I AM somewhat of a home-body--for a while. . . This continues to be a very unique and stretching season of my life--filled with challenges and blessings. God is faithful to continue the refining process in me!!!

One HUGE blessing--a quick trip to Houston over the weekend!! I DO love being at home, but I DO love adventures, too--so to Houston I went with all three kids! We had an amazing time and I am so glad that I did it! Here are a few pictures. Enjoy!

4 Generations of "Marcy's"

Lee La holding her newest great-granddaughter


Fun Fit Mom Stephanie said...

I can't wait to hold and kiss on that baby!

Tina Braswell said...

I am SO impressed that you ventured to Houston with all the kids! I know it was worth it. What great pictures. I'm really loving this blogging thing! Love you!! - Tina